Digital inclusion : making digital accessible for everyone

Some groups of learners are more likely to be digitally excluded and can have different barriers/challenges to digital inclusion. These can include confidence, motivation and practical barriers.

Here is a video about why digital inclusion is so important and what the barriers are for certain groups of people.

We have tested the best ways to support different groups of learners.
Read the guides below to help you successfully meet your learners needs.

Working with specific types of learner

Every learner* can have different barriers.
Each guide will give you
– information on the challenges/barriers facing your learners
– solutions and top tips on how to successfully overcome these barriers
– links to helpful resources
– links to published research, reports and publications.

*Always remember that every learner is an individual who may not be typical of their group and may also have multiple additional needs. You may therefore want to read all the guides so you can help a diverse range of people.

The aim of the workshops during the event was to:

These guides were created from learning generated at the Community of Practice March 2019 event workshops and subsequent review by the One Digital partners of the great work being done by the 21 contributing partners who work with different disadvantaged groups of learners.

  • Understand the digital inclusion barriers and challenges for the particular group – including confidence, motivation and practical. 
  • How partner contributors were working to overcome barriers and challenges
  • Contributors experience of working with those groups –what was working well, and not so well
  • Participants then had a chance to ask questions and share their experiences
  • We asked for a focus on resources which were being used
  • We asked contributors to look for learning opportunities between the partners involved.

The event also offered practical sessions on:

The contributing partners were:


  • BT
  • Enable Scotland
  • MIND
  • Streetwork